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Nevsky Shipyard
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Home » News » 2021 » Nevsky Shipyard accepted students for summer internship

Nevsky Shipyard accepted students for summer internship

Nevsky Shipyard accepted students for summer internship

Since the end of June 16 students started their internship at Nevsky Shipyard

Every year Nevsky Shipyard (Leningrad Region, Shlisselburg) accepts future shipbuilding specialists for summer internship under the concluded agreements on the practical training of students with higher educational institutions located in different parts of Russia.

Since the end of June 16 students started their internship: 11 students of the Siberian State University of Water Transport (Novosibirsk), 4 students of the Volga State University of Water Transport (Nizhny Novgorod) and one student studying at the Astrakhan State Technical University. Of the total number of students, only two had previously been on internship at Nevsky Shipyard, the rest saw the shipbuilding process for the first time. In their educational institutions students are trained in the programs "shipbuilding, ocean engineering and systems engineering of marine infrastructure facilities" and "ship power plants".

All students are assigned to the subdivisions of the shipyard: hull-assembly, commissioning and building shops; design and technological department and the department of the chief builder. The leading specialists of the shipayrd were appointed as heads of practice.

On June 29, there was a meeting of the shipyard managers and students. Production director Petr Bulgakov and the chief builder Dmitry Dudenko told the students about the main activities of the shipyard, what ships are being built here at the moment and about the prospects for the construction of various types of ships.

The second meeting will be held at the end of the students' practice to receive feedback from students on the organization of practice, to clarify their plans for further work.
