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Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

Nevsky Shipyard
+7 (812) 335-25-60  Fax: +7 (812) 335-25-70
Home » News » 2009 » Nevsky Shipyard launched a seagoing dump deck barge «Volgo-Baltica»

Cостоялась торжественная церемония спуска на воду морской несамоходной баржи «Волго-Балтика»

On July the 8th 2009 a solemn ceremony of launching of a seagoing dump deck barge «Volgo-Baltica», cargo capacity 3600 tons, customer - company «North-Western Fleet» will be held on the slip-ways of Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant. 

Yard  № 506 – sea-going dumb deck barge
Length between transoms, m - 102,3 m
Length on DWL, m - 100,0 m
Breadth moulded  - 16, 5 m
Depth amidships – 4,2 m
Draught on DWL – 2,8 m

Class – К 1 III СП of Russian Maritime register of Shipping

The vessel was built in accordance with project № 03060. Earlier «Nevsky Shipyard» had built and delivered to the customer «OMS-Shipping» (Kazakhstan) 4 barges-platforms built according to this project (the last barge, OMS-504, was  delivered  to the customer on the 29th of May of this year).  But nevertheless, significant changes of the project were made during the construction of a new vessel at the request of the customer. The necessity of these changes resulted from the operation conditions this vessel is intended for. However, the construction was finished in a due time as per the terms of construction established by the ship-building contract and it took 7 months.
