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Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

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Home » News » 2015 » State tests Act for berthing complex of 02590 project has been signed

State tests Act for berthing complex of 02590 project has been signed

On March 2nd, 2015, the Chairman of the State Commission signed the State tests Act for entering of berthing complex with helicopter platform for landing of MI-8 type helicopter project 02590 into the Navy. The berthing complex was built at Nevsky Shipyard for the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The project is developed by CDB Baltsudoproekt.

General data:

-length, m                                               43,2
- breadth, m                                            16,9
- draught, m, about                                 0,8
- depth, m                                               2,1

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping class:  KE [1] Berth-connected ship HELIDECK

The complex is intended for mooring of vessels such as «ОМ», «Moscow», «Fontanka» and «Meteor» type for passengers boarding and getting off to the moored vessels; landing and takeoff of Mi-8 type helicopters (without location) with takeoff weight up to 15 t and rotor maximum dimension up to 21,3 m.

