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Home » News » 2021 » Nevsky Shipyard employees took part in the all-Russian competition "My Plant!"

Nevsky Shipyard employees took part in the all-Russian competition "My Plant!"

Nevsky Shipyard employees took part in the all-Russian competition "My Plant!"

An initiative group of young specialists of the shipyard took part in the competition "My Plant!", organized by "Korabel.ru" and "Kemppi Russia"

As a competitive work, the shipyard workers presented a bicycle parking. This object was chosen as the competitive work for a number of reasons. In summer a large number of shipyard workers prefer to use one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport - a bicycle.

Bicycle parking will become an important part of the shipyard's infrastructure, as it is a modern necessity, taking care of the employees and decoration. The parking lot is made of the remnants of shipbuilding production - corners and strips of 50 mm. Welding work was carried out by Kemppi semi-automatic welding machine. The workers noticed that these machines have "fine" settings for welding parameters for metal welding, stable in operation, keep the modes well, simple and easy to use.

The structure is decorated with a panel cut out on Kristall plasma cutting machine. The panel depicts the f shipbuilders town - Shlisselburg, whose history is inextricably linked with the history of the Oreshek fortress and the history of Nevsky shipyard. The fortress protects and rescues the town in the same way as multifunctional rescue tugs (depicted in the panel) rescue ships and people in distress.

The symbol of Shlisselburg is a key, since the name of the town comes from the German "schlussel" (translated from German "Key"). Everything in our town is closely connected with the keys: the Neva River is the key to waterways, Nevsky Shipyard is the key to equipping Russia with a modern, multifunctional fleet.
