Tender Committee of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency carried out bid evaluation procedure for participation in the open competitive tender for the right of conclusion of the state contract to perform the following works:
Lot №1 - « Construction of a multipurpose salvage vessel, capacity 4 МВт »,
Lot №2 - « Construction of a sea diving vessel ».
The tender was posted on April, 15th of this year.
The results of evaluation having been analyzed and bids for participation in the tender having been compared, the Tender Committee took the following decision:
Lot № 1 the winner of the open competitive tender is
«Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant»
Multipurpose salvage vessel, capacity 4 МВт will be built in accordance with the Design Project MPSV07, developed by «MARINE ENGINEERING BUREAU-DESIGN- SPB», JSC and approved by Federal Marine and River Transport Agency. The vessel will have the following class of Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping: КМ Arc 5[1] AUT1- ICS OMBO FF3WS DYNPOS-2 EPP Salvage ship
Principle particulars:
· Length overall (appr.) …………………………….73,0 m
· Breadth on DWL ……………………………….. 15,5 m
· Draft, max. …………………………………………5,1 m
· Deadweight at maximum draft (appr.)…………… 1171 t
· Maximum capacity (not less)……….……… 2х2000 КW
· Economical speed (not less)…………………....10,0 knots
The vessel is intended for "State Marine Pollution Control and Salvage and Rescue Service of RF" (Gosmorspassluzhba) and will included into the state rescue fleet capable to perform underwater-technical, diving and rescue works on depth up to 60 meters.