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Nevsky Shipyard
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Home » News » 2010 » The delegation of Danish manufacturers of equipment visited Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant (Nevsky Shipyard)

The delegation of Danish manufacturers of equipment visited Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant (Nevsky Shipyard)

On October 7, 2010 as a part of the second Russian-Danish Shipbuilding Forum, held in Saint-Petersburg from 04 to 08 of October 2010, delegation of Danish manufacturers of equipment visited Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant (Nevsky Shipyard). The aim of this Forum arranged by Danish company “Øst-info k/s” and The Danish Export Assotiation, under the aegis of Royal Danish Consulate General in St Petersburg, - is to assist in the development of business relationships between Russian shipbuilding companies and Danish suppliers of equipment.

Delegation of Danish manufacturers of equipment included such companies as Viking Life-Saving Equipment, Thrane&Thrane, IRON Pump, Mekanord, Clorius Control, Gazcon, OMT and others. The delegation was headed by Andrej Sivertsev, project manager of Russian-Danish Shipbuilding Forum, the director of company “Øst-info k/s”. Nevsky Shipyard has been successfully cooperating with some of the companies for several years so far. The other companies had an opportunity to present their equipment and services for the first time.

During presentation about Nevsky Shipyard special emphasis was placed on questions such as: the issues of Shipyard’s modernization and technical retooling of production facilities, Shipyard’s order book and status of current orders.

The tour around the territory of the Shipyard with visiting main workshops, automated Line for Flat Sections Assembly and Welding as well as newbuildings has left the most favourable impression on visitors.

During a joint meeting with specialists of Purchasing Department and Design Engineering Department of Nevsky Shipyard, representatives of the Danish companies made presentations of their companies, including principal business lines, the equipment and services. Atmosphere of the meeting was very lively and business-friendly.

Vladimir Bazhenov, Director General of Nevsky Shipyard, during his speech to the visitors told them about further plans for modernization of the Shipyard, and he also touched upon the issue of Shipyard’s prospects for new shipbuilding contracts. At the conclusion of the meeting Vladimir Bazhenov thanked Danish manufacturers of equipment for visiting the Shipyard and expressed hope that the meeting would become the first step for establishing good and long-term partnership relations.
