On July 2nd , 2010 there was an awarding ceremony for the best workers of Nevsky Shipyard. The ceremony was dedicated to The Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers. Vladimir Bazhenov, Director General of Nevsky Shipyard, handed out awards.
11 employees of the Shipyard were awarded Certificates of Honour and Letters of Gratitude from North-West Shipping Company as well as cash bonuses. 40 people were awarded Certificates of Honour and Letters of Gratitude from Director General of Nevsky Shipyard as well as cash bonuses.
Submissions were sent to Russian Federation Ministry of Transport to award Ministry’s Certificate of Honour to two workers - Angelina Ivanova, a cutting torch operator from workshop № 1 (hull-assembling), and Yan Ivanov, a rigger from shiprepair and engine repair workshop.
Also representatives of Nevsky Shipyard will participate in regional tourist gathering and Summer Sport Competitions for the Shipyard employees which will take place in settlement Maluksa on July 4th and July 10th accordingly. These two events are also dedicated to The Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers.