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Nevsky Shipyard
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Home » News » 2015 » Nevsky Shipyard took part in “NEVA-2015”

Nevsky Shipyard took part in the exhibition “NEVA-2015”

Nevsky Shipyard took part in XIII International Exhibition of Shipbuilding, Shipping, Offshore Energy, Ports and Oceanography “Neva-2015” which took place from 22 to 25 September (Convention and Exhibition Centre “EXPOFORUM”, St.-Petersburg, settlement Shushary).  This year more than 500 companies from 34 countries participated in “Neva-2015”.

During the work of the exhibition Nevsky Shipyard presented to professional public its current shipbuilding projects: medium-sized sea tanker of 23130 project (Designer – Spetssudoproect, JSC), small-draft salvage ships of MPSV12 project (Designer – Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPb, JSC), multipurpose salvage vessel, capacity 4 MW, project MPSV07 (Designer – Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPb, JSC), as well as modernization and remodelling projects.

Every day the stand of Nevsky Shipyard was visited by a big number of registered participants as well as by interested visitors. All the conditions were provided for the visitors of the Shipyard stand. The visitors could get the information about the main activities of the Shipyard’s business such as shipbuilding, ship repair, machine building; get answers to questions of interest and negotiate with the representatives and the management of Nevsky Shipyard.

Our stand was visited by foreign delegations from Spain, Finland, Holland and Azerbaijan.  A number of contracts for equipment delivery for small-draft salvage ships of MPSV12 project were singed during the exhibition.

Thanks to the efforts of the organizers the Exhibition has become not only the significant event of the shipbuilding industry but also a favourable site to exchange opinions between Russian and International companies, to meet with design engineering companies, manufacturers and equipment suppliers as well as with colleagues.

The participation at Neva-2015 gave us good opportunity to meet professionals of the sector, establish new business relations and maintain the old ones, discuss the prospects for cooperation.

Nevsky Shipyard is very thankful to all the guests who visited the Shipyard’s stand, and hopes that new business contacts will develop into strong partnership in the future.
