Многоцелевой сухогрузный теплоход проекта RSD49

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Home » News » 2016 » The vessel “Atameken” was launched at Nevsky Shipyard

The vessel “Atameken” was launched at Nevsky Shipyard

On the 6th of October 2016 a solemn ceremony of launching the single-deck dry cargo vessel of mixed “river-sea” navigation RSD49 project, took place on the slip of Nevsky Shipyard. The construction of vessel is provided by the order of TOO "KTZ Express Shipping" (Kazakhstan). The project was developed by CJSC “Marine engineering Bureau-design-SPb”. Purpose - sea and mixed (river-sea) carrying of the general and bulk cargoes, including steel, grain, timber, coal, large-dimension and heavy-weight cargoes and dangerous cargoes of classes 1.4S, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8, 9 by IC IMDG and Appendix B of the BC Code

Main dimension
1. Length overall, m  - 139.95
    Length between PP, m  - 135.74
    Breadth, m  - 16.50
    Depth, m   -  6.00
    L x B x H 139.95 x 16.50 x 6.00 = 13 855
2. Draught, m (in sea / in river)  - 4.70 / 3.60
3. Deadweight, t (in sea / in river)   - 7143 / 4507
4. Endurance, days 20
5. Range, nautical miles -  4000

A feature of the ship (opposed to all the other projects, "Volga-Don Max" class created by the Marine Engineering Bureau) is the presence of a large middle hold length 52.0 m, which allows to transport in direct flights Europe - Caspian oversized project cargo, which should significantly affect the overall of the financial results of work. At the same time the project vessels of RSD49 are the largest of dry cargo vessels which satisfy dimensions of the Volga-Don canal. Representatives of departments of Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region, the client company representatives, and other officials to attended the ceremony.
