MPSV07 «Spasatel Kavdeykin» took part in the exercises on counterterrorism in the area of the port of Korsakov
«Spasatel Kavdeykin» built at the Nevsky shipyard. The vessel is the second vessel in a series of four multi-purpose rescue vessels.
In the waters of the Aniva Bay on the roadstead of the Korsakov seaport, the «Laguna Teplokhod 2020» exercise was held to eliminate the consequences of a terrorist act on a passenger ferry.
According to the legend, the target of the «errorists» was the passenger ferry «Igor Farkhutdinov». Vessel worked out all measures to counter a terrorist attack, as well as to save people. The special forces killed the terrorists and freed the «hostages».
After receiving a signal about a «terrorist attack», the multi-purpose rescue vessel «Spasatel Kavdeykin» went to the area of the exercise.
At the end of the anti-terrorist measures, a «fire» broke out on the conditionally captured vessel.
The rescue proceeded to extinguish the conditional fire. In addition, during the exercise, an introduction was received about the spill of oil products from the «captured» vessel in the bay area.
«Spasatel Kavdeykin» began to deploy the J-shaped order together with the Lamor 7500 Cabin boat in order to localize and eliminate «spill» of petroleum products.
Rescuers of the Sakhalin branch of the FSBI «Marine Rescue Service» successfully coped with all the introductory tasks. The actions of the rescuers were noted by the leadership of the border service of the FSS in the Sakhalin region as competent and timely.
News and photo source : Marine Rescue Service