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Корпусосборочное производство

Корпусосборочное производство

Nevsky Shipyard
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Home » News » 2021 » Nevsky Shipyard paticipates in upgrading Shlisselburg areas

Nevsky Shipyard paticipates in upgrading Shlisselburg areas

On July 20, 2021, the first meeting of the public council of the municipal district "town of Shlisselburg" was held. The heads and representatives of Nevsky Shipyard, city enterprises, entrepreneurs, representatives of public organizations and other active residents were invited to participate. Representatives of Nevsky Shipyard were elected to the newly created permanent public council of the town of Shlisselburg.

The issue concerning the condition of pedestrian bridges in Shlisselburg became one of the main issues on the agenda of the council meeting.

Artem Zheludov, head of the administration of the municipal district "Town of Shlisselburg", noted that the town's pedestrian bridges are in disrepair, so the town's administration appealed to the management of Nevsky Shipyard with a request to make flights of stairs for descents. The management of the shipyard decided to make flights of stairs for bridges as soon as possible.

Currently, the shipyard has completed the production of flights of stairs, painting is underway. In the near future, the finished products will be transferred to the Shlisselburg administration.
