North-Western Shipping Company, JSC began «NEVA-LEADER 5» motor vessel operation
September 18th, 2013, the vessel set off on her maiden voyage from Nevsky Shipyard’s quay in Schliesselburg to the ports of Western Europe
Delivery-Acceptance act for dry-cargo vessel "NEVA-LEADER 5" was signed
On September 11th, 2013, Delivery-Acceptance act for self-propelled dry-cargo vessel "NEVA-LEADER 5" of RSD49 project was signed
The vessel «NEVA-LEADER 5» set off on builder's sea trials
On August 31st, 2013 the vessel «NEVA-LEADER 5» dwt 7150 t set off on builder's sea trials
Delivery-Acceptance act for vessel "SPASATEL KAVDEJKIN" was signed
On August 19th, 2013, Delivery-Acceptance act for the second multipurpose salvage vessel of MPSV07 project "SPASATEL KAVDEJKIN" was signed
The vessel “SPASATEL KAVDEJKIN” went to port of registration in Murmansk
“SPASATEL KAVDEJKIN”, built at Nevsky Shipyard, makes the passage round Scandinavia from Saint-Petersburg port to Murmansk port
Nevsky Shipyard presented the vessel “SPASATEL KAVDEJKIN” to Acceptance Committee
On July 19th, 2013, Nevsky Shipyard presented the vessel “SPASATEL KAVDEJKIN” to Acceptance Committee appointed by Federal Marine and River Transport of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Dry-cargo vessel “NEVA-LEADER 4” set off on her maiden voyage
On July 18th, 2013 the dry-cargo vessel “NEVA-LEADER 4”, built at Nevsky Shipyard, set off on her maiden voyage
Nevsky Shipyard launched the vessel “NEVA-LEADER 6”
On July 17th, 2013 Nevsky Shipyard launched the vessel “NEVA-LEADER 6”
Nevsky Shipyard delivered the fourth dry-cargo vessel of RSD49 project
On July 15th, 2013, the fourth self-propelled dry-cargo vessel «NEVA-LEADER 4» deadweight 7150 tons RSD49 project was delivered to the Customer
Successful demonstration of the vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” on IMDS 2013
Multipurpose salvage vessel “SPASATEL KAREV” of MPSV07 project, 4 MWt, built at Nevsky Shipyard, LLC (delivered in October, 2012) passed successful demonstration on the International Maritime Defense Show in Saint-Petersburg